Producing Partners:

Did you know that Miller Outdoor Theatre is a re-granting organization, offering partial grants to some of Houston’s most talented nonprofit cultural and performing arts organizations to perform here on the Miller Stage?  In fact, about 90% of our performances come from these local nonprofits, which  means that the majority of our funds go to giving Houston artists more opportunities to perform while offering FREE performances to our audience.

The Miller Theatre advisory board is dedicated to bringing superior quality performances that are as diverse and spectacular as the City of Houston.

If you are a nonprofit performing or cultural organization and would like to perform here at Miller, you can apply once a year (Summer) and our program committee will review your application.

2025 Season Applications closed. 2026 Season applications opening Summer of 2025.

Presented Shows

MTAB presents shows are the touring and international shows performed here at Miller that are not grantees. They normally come from elsewhere in the US or from overseas, and represent the same cultural diversity as our producing partner programs.

Renting Miller Outdoor Theatre

The Miller Outdoor Theatre is also available to rent, which you can learn about here.   Please note, that rentals must adhere to the same family-friendly standards as our grantees or presented shows, must be free and open to the public, and tickets may not be sold to recuperate the costs of renting the theatre.