Advisory Board and Core Values

Advisory Board and Core Values

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The Miller Theatre Advisory Board (MTAB) is appointed by Mayor  John Whitmire and confirmed by Houston’s City Council through Section 32 of the City of Houston’s Code of Ordinances.


The Miller Theatre Advisory Board (MTAB) acts as a steward of public and private funds to provide professional-caliber performances, free to the public, at the Miller Outdoor Theatre for the cultural enrichment of Houston’s diverse communities and visitors to this great city.


Tim Cisneros
Hal Roach
Vice Chair
Robin Klaes

Miriam Meyers
Immediate Past Chair



David Anderson III

Catherine Brock

June Deadrick

Tom DeBesse

John D. Edwards, M.D. 

Nikki Hill

Traci Savoy Jack

Victor Kendall

Joseph Manero

Mister McKinney

Norma Mendoza

Cydonii Miles 

Jessica Olmos

Allen Ueckert

Jacqueline Wiley

Jenny Yang


Kenneth Allen
Necole Irvin
Taylor Jackson
Cara Lambright


Jim Bernhard
Dr. Dorothy F. Caram
Frank Hood

Dr. Teddy McDavid
Grace Oliveres
Susan Young


Claudia de Vasco
Managing Director

Ciara Ayala
Production Manager

Reese Darby
Program  Coordinator

Margie Hayden
Audience  Services Manager


Core Values

Below is a list of the Miller Theatre Advisory Board (MTAB) Core Values for Programs and Supporting Policies at Miller Outdoor Theatre. They represent an overview of how our shows and events are slected and what we aim to represent.

  1. QUALITY is our foremost consideration in selecting performances for the Miller stage.Performances shall be of professional caliber. While MTAB appreciates the crucial role that civic and emerging arts organizations play in the city’s cultural fabric, MTAB’s commitment is to present the finest, most professional performances available.
  2. We are committed to serving the many DIVERSE communities of Houston.Programs with cross-over, multi-cultural and multi-generational appeal are particularly encouraged.
  3. We support performances with BROAD, POPULAR APPEAL. The vastness of the Miller stage and audience area demands that MTAB select performances which will attract a sizeable audience, and support cultural tourism.   MTAB appreciates the fact that many performances, while of a generally accepted “excellent” artistic quality, are nonetheless of a limited audience appeal.  MTAB believes such performances should be presented in more suitable, intimate spaces rather than at a venue as large as MOT.   Conversely, performances with an anticipated attendance of more than 6,000 per night would be more suitable for a venue larger than MOT.   Performances at MOT shall be “family friendly” in content.
  4. We expect a high level of  ACCOUNTABILITY.MTAB funds selected performances on the Miller stage, produced/presented by non-profit organizations who follow sound business practices, regardless of their budget size.  MTAB expects Grantees to follow the rules and regulations of the grant process and of the theatre facility.  Grantees not in compliance may face reduction and/or elimination of future funding.
  5. We fund programs that are COST-EFFECTIVE  in audience reach.Although quality is the number one consideration for performances at Miller, MTAB also pays close attention to the program’s cost for audience reached by measuring “per capita” yield for MTAB funds.   With considerations for weather allowed, a Grantee whose event’s per capita funding exceeds average per caps for similar events may find future funding reduced or eliminated.  Also, while MTAB does provide marketing support in the form of the season calendar, the web site, and regular notices to the media, the responsibility for primary marketing of the event is with the Grantee.

Do You Love Miller?
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Gifts and Contributions made to Miller Theatre Advisory Board, Inc. support programming and theatre activities that assist in enhancing the audience and producer experience and help keep performances free.